


  • Statistics riddle includes box plots, scatter plots and histograms Statistics riddle, analyze data displays to solve the riddle

    Statistics Riddle Activity

    Students will: * review box plots (box and whisker plots) * review scatter plots * review histograms Students analyze data displays and match answers to the answer bank to solve the riddle. Can work well as group work, test review, or assessment...
  • Statistics mixed review: box plots, scatter plots and histograms Statistics mixed review: box plots, scatter plots and histograms

    Statistics Review Packet

    Students will: * review box plots (box and whisker plots) * review scatter plots * review histograms   Students analyze data displays and answer multiple choice questions on that data. Can work well as group work, test review, or assessment...
  • Solving equations clock project Solving equations clock project

    Solving Equations Clock Project

    Solving Algebraic Equations Clock Project! Students make their own equations with the solutions 1 - 12 and turn them into a clock, along with answers. Instructions, Rubric, Sample Equations (and solutions) for Teacher model, and model included. Fun way...
  • Laws of Exponents Maze Activity Laws of Exponents Maze Activity

    Laws of Exponents Maze Activity

    Students will: * Simplify laws of exponents involving: multiplication, division, power to a power, zero exponents and negative exponents Students will love this fun maze activity for practicing laws of exponents! Contains negative exponents, fractions,...
  • Simplifying radicals maze activity Simplifying radicals maze activity

    Simplifying Radicals Maze Activity

    Students will: * Simplify radicals Students will love this fun maze activity for practicing simplifying radicals! Students simplify the radical in the box starting at the center and select the arrow with the correct answer to move on to the next...
  • Slope Formula Riddle Slope Formula Riddle

    Slope Formula Riddle

    Students will: * Calculate slope given 2 points This Riddle activity on the Slope formula is differentiated. It has 2 versions - an introductory version, and a more advanced version. Students calculate the slope given the 2 points, then match the...
  • Slope Formula Maze Slope Formula Maze

    Slope Formula Maze

    Students will: * Calculate slope given two points   Students will enjoy practicing finding slope with this fun maze activity. Students calculate the slope given two points and follow the answer to the next box in the maze until they reach the end...