
1968 Olympic Protest & The Black Power Movement | VIDEO & ACTIVITY

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  • Black Power Movement Lesson
  • 1968 Olympic protest lesson
  • 1968 Olympic Protest & The Black Power Movement | VIDEO & ACTIVITY
  • 1968 Olympic Protest & The Black Power Movement | VIDEO & ACTIVITY


All these resources go with this video lesson on the Black Power Movement & The 1968 Olympic Protest

Cut the lecture, support diverse learners, and engage your students with the power of story! Like all History for Humans lessons, it starts with a youtube video-lecture and comes with a follow-along interactive note sheet that could be completed digitally or with pen and paper. The video is not just engaging but also teaches in a way to help struggling learners, unlike many youtube educational videos. This video story-lecture tells the dramatic story of the 1968 Olympic Protest in solidarity with Black Power but also layers an overview of how the Black Power Movement began and how it changed the Civil Rights Movement. It teaches how SNCC transformed with Stokely Charmichael, the formation of the Black Panther Party, the Watts Riot, and compares Black Power with the earlier Civil Rights Movement.

Then there is a quick 7 question google form quiz as a formative assessment.  Lastly, it has an extension activity that gets students to read the Black Panther Party's 10 Point Platform, breaking down their goals, and then designing a "protest fist" for a cause or issue they care about. Engaging and powerful!


Want to cut out the lecture? Save time and stress? Check out my full year bundle of video-based curriculum!

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Thanks for checking it out,
Dan ;)



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