Addition and Subtraction 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping Game
- Contributor:
- MathCritters
- Grade Level:
- 2nd, 3rd
- Product Type:
- task cards and centers
- File Type:
- Pages:
- 64
- Answer Key:
- Yes
QR codes are a perfect way to get your students excited about math. THE WORKS is an excellent game for your students to play at a math center or after they finish their daily math work. The players solve 2-digit addition and 2-digit subtraction problems while collecting pizza toppings.
All task cards and game materials come in color and black/white.
Your students may play the game with or without using the QR codes. In case your students do not have access to an electronic device with a QR code reader, I have included an answer key/instruction sheet to play the game.
To use the QR codes, you will need to download a QR code reader app to your students’ electronic devices. The device must also have a camera.
To play the game, the students may use all 32 task cards that contain 16 addition problems and 16 subtraction problems. The students may also play the game using only the 16 addition task cards or only the 16 subtraction task cards.
If you wish for your students not to play the game, they can solve the addition and subtraction problems on the task cards and check their answers using the QR codes or answer key. The students would ignore the instructions for the game.
Game summary:
- The winner of the game is the player who collects the most toppings.
- Each player picks a task card and solves the addition or subtraction problem. The players use their electronic devices to scan the QR code (or look at the answer key/instruction sheet). The QR code will show the answer and will also give the players instructions about the pizza toppings. Instructions include taking toppings, giving toppings, and switching pizzas.
32 task cards - 4 different designs and 2 versions (QR codes and numbered cards without QR codes)
- 16 task cards with the QR codes for 2-digit addition with and without regrouping
- 16 task cards with the QR codes for 2-digit subtraction with and without regrouping
- 16 task cards numbered (1-16) without the QR codes for 2-digit addition with and without regrouping
- 16 task cards numbered (17-32) without the QR codes for 2-digit subtraction with and without regrouping
(The math problems are written vertically and horizontally on the task cards. A few of the math problems contain a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number. This will give the students practice in lining up place-value columns correctly.)
- Game directions
- 2 answer keys/instruction pages
- 2 pages - 6 different pizza toppings
- A plain pizza - with several frame options
- THE WORKS pizza - with several frame options
- A page for students to write math problems and to show their work.
TERMS OF USE: By purchasing this product, you have permission to copy for single classroom use only. You may copy this resource for your classroom and your students, but you MAY NOT copy and distribute it to others.
If you would rather have your students practice 3-digit addition and 3-digit subtraction, go to my store, MathCritters, for the same game and for other great math games, activities, and worksheets.