How do you visualize historical cause and effect? How do you organize decades' worth of historical evidence in an easily readable way? How do you produce a Long Essay Question (LEQ) that hits all six points on the AP History rubric in less than 35 minutes?
At Mano Koa Enterprises, we say "A'ole Pilikia" (Hawaiian for "No problem").
This product contains a collection of documents designed to give students and teachers alike multiple strategies for answering Long Essay Questions (LEQs) on the Advanced Placement History Tests. If students find themselves struggling with producing a standard product because of time constraints, Mano Koa Enterprises has developed the "short game strategy" allowing students to satisfy the same criteria but in a differentiated way.
The AP History LEQ Causation product contains the following.
- A Standard LEQ Causation Blueprint with sentence frames and easy to read rubric for teachers and students to plan.
- A differentiated and sentence framed "Short Game" LEQ Causation Blueprint designed to show students a less labor intensive/more time effective way of writing their LEQs while maintaining the same academic rigor.
- An Historical Analysis tool allowing students to organize their evidence and construct a thesis in an effective way.
- A "How to Write and Defend Your Thesis Guide" to help students develop a valid thesis.
- A "Ten Commandments of Academic Writing" guide to help students formalize their voice when writing.
- A series of lesson plan strategies to help teachers implement the blueprint into their curriculum.
- An instructional manual for teachers to read and understand the finer points of implementing short and long game formats in timed writes
Want the full free-write experience? Check out the OMNIBUS!
Mano Koa Enterprises has developed an omnibus collection of everything a teacher needs for AP History free writes.