
(AP) US History Distance Learning Curriculum and Supports

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Purpose of Product: This product was designed to provide an affordable instrument for American History teachers, specifically for the AP US History Course, as a result of the 2020 COVID-19 global pandemic. This material is already embedded in Mano Koa Enterprises’ AP US History curriculum. If you already own the AP US History Total Course product, you do not need to purchase this product!
What are Express Notes? The Express Notes OMNIBUS contains a collection all the relevant content (events, people, Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Innovative, Artistic content) of the following six textbooks:
  • Newman’s AMSCO: United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination
  • Kennedy, American Pageant
  • Henretta, America’s History
  • Brinkley, American History: A Survey
  • Berkin, Making America: A History of the United States
  • Fraser, By the People
The OMNIBUS contains materials for the entire AP US History curriculum (1491-2020).
How do you use Express Notes to teach at a distance? If you are not teaching AP US History or if you do teach AP US History and have finished most of your content, you reserve the right to assign sections of the Periods and only select lessons each period contains. From that foundation, you have two broad options explained in the sample.

This product is broken down into a free version and a $20 premium version.

Free Version:
  • (AP) US History Express Notes OMNIBUS (515 years of content for students) 
  • No Answer Key
  • (AP) US History Scattergories Sheet (In PDF and editable .Docx form) 
Premium Version:
  • (AP) US History Express Notes OMNIBUS (for students) 
  • (AP) US History Express Notes Answer Key
  • (AP) US History Scattergories Sheet (in PDF and Docx form) 
  • AP US History Free Write OMNIBUS (including blueprints for Long Essay Questions, Document Based Questions, Short Answer Questions) 
  • AP US History Free Write Quiz Bank including DBQ documents and prompts. 
  • Distance Learning Test Prep (SAQ and LEQ) Design
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact Mano Koa Enterprises. With the COVID-19 orders in effect, I should get back to you in a timely manner. We have nowhere else to go.
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