Boston Tea Party Samuel Adams Sons of Liberty Social Studies Classroom Poster
- Teacher Contributor:
- Make History Fun
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- Pages:
- 1
This Boston Tea Party Poster is great for your Word Wall! The poster has a picture of Samuels Adams and the Boston Tea Party with the phrase “Move Along, Nothing to Tea Here.” It also has the description of the event that reads:
“This political protest took place in December of 1773. Upset over unfair taxes, specifically on TEA, the Sons of Liberty dumped 342 chests of British tea into the harbor. This was the first major act of defiance to British rule over the colonists. “
Your students will be drawn to this poster because of the imagery and the slogan.
This punny historical poster is great for social studies classrooms! The file comes ready to print in color or black and white (because we know sometimes we are ballin’ on a budget). It has been formatted to allow you to print as a poster 11 x 17 or on whilst sheet of paper. If you need anything smaller than that I can definitely do it for you.
I put this poster up in my room when we begin our unit over the Causes of the American Revolution. It is an eye catcher and will get your students asking questions and smiling.
This is part of the Causes of the American Revolution Bundle, check it out and SAVE
This poster is part of a 15 poster bundler that you can get HERE and save.