Students will complete a 3 part activity to review the efforts of Martin Luther King, Jr., Shirley Chisholm, Mamie Till, and Malcolm X from the Civil Rights Movement. The first part has 10 questions to help students review factual parts of each person's activism. In the second part of the activity students "interview" each activist (6 questions and answers), in the third part they conduct their last joint interview (6 questions and answers), and the last task is a bonus creative commemorative opportunity. An answer key is included where appropriate. This would work for a sub!
Sample questions include:
--How did Mamie’s choice force a specific acknowledgement of the importance of the Civil Rights movement?
--Identify and explain two of Chisholm’s political successes.
--What kind of activist would you categorize Malcolm X as and why? Support your answer with historical evidence.
--Describe MLK, Jr.’s role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott, its goal/purpose, and how effective or not it was in advancing the Civil Rights movement.
--Shirley and Malcolm, where has the Civil Rights movement most succeeded and most fallen short?
--Malcolm and Martin, what do you think will be the biggest challenge to achieving your goals?
--All, what do you consider your individual greatest success?
--All, does America today reflect what you fought for, why or why not?
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