Converting Fractions, Decimals, and Percent is a mini-unit that includes instructions, examples, and worksheets. This provides a structured framework to teach these essential skills. This product can be used both in the classroom and for distance learning. Answer keys are included.
This product includes:
1. Teacher Notes
2. Fractions to Decimals
3. Fractions to Decimals Key
4. Percent to Decimals
5. Percent to Decimals Key
6. Decimals to Percent
7. Decimals to Percent Key
8. Fractions to Percent
9. Fractions to Percent Key
10. Percent to Fractions
11. Percent to Fractions Key
12. Decimals to Fractions
13. Decimals to Fractions Key
14. Conversions Assessment
15. Conversions Assessment Key
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