
Easter Adding and Subtracting Decimals with Number Chips

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  • Easter Adding and Subtracting Decimals with Number Chips
  • Easter Adding and Subtracting Decimals with Number Chips
  • Easter Adding and Subtracting Decimals with Number Chips
  • Easter Adding and Subtracting Decimals with Number Chips
  • Easter Adding and Subtracting Decimals with Number Chips
  • Easter Adding and Subtracting Decimals with Number Chips
  • Easter Adding and Subtracting Decimals with Number Chips
  • Easter Adding and Subtracting Decimals with Number Chips
  • Easter Adding and Subtracting Decimals with Number Chips


Looking for a fun activity for adding and subtracting decimals with an Easter theme? Students will enjoy moving the number chips around their screen, solving decimal addition and subtraction problems. They must be careful placing their decimals correctly around the decimal point! Every number the students need is on each slide. This reduces the frustration of finding the correct answer. Students can then use the process of elimination to help them solve each addition or subtaction problem.

The Best Part: Students will use each of the answers in the slide deck and match it with a letter inside a yellow heart. If the solutions are correct, they will spell out the answer to an Easter riddle on the last slide!

Product includes a printable foldable for the interactive notebook, and a printable worksheet to follow the digital lesson. Contains Bellwork and an Exit Ticket.

Teacher Key is included.


  • CCSS.5.NBT.A.3
  • CCSS.5.NBT.B.7
  • CCSS.6.NS.B.3
  • CCSS.4.NF.C.7

Lesson Main Points:

*Students must move the number chips into the correct place in the addition or subtraction problem, so the decimal points line up.

*If students add or subtract correctly, they will use every number. If the numbers are not working, they know they have made an error, and must go back and check their work. In this way, the problems are self-checking.

* There are several practice problems to help students master addition and subtraction of decimals.

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