This Economics assignment is intended to be a PREVIEW or REVIEW of the 8 Macroeconomic concepts listed below, therefore students will not be completing an exhaustive study of Macroeconomics
Essential Question: How do you measure the health of the U.S. economy as a whole?
Each assignment included in this packet, is intended to be a short, concise preview or review (each activity takes about 15-20 minutes).
This packet of worksheets could be used in 1 of 3 ways:
Option 1: You can make a packet out of the worksheets to give to students to complete independently in 1-2 class periods prior to or after they are taught these concepts in-depth in class.
Option 2: You could use each assignment as a quick warm-up activity at the start of 8 different classes, while you are teaching these concepts in-depth.
Option 3: You could put students into groups of 3-4 and have them rotate to 8 stations around the room, completing the activities in 15-20 minute intervals. (1-2 class periods). I have included directions for each station if you choose to present this lesson as a “stations activity”. Preview or review.
The worksheets in this packet address the following concepts/key ideas:
- Evaluate the economic performance of the U.S. economy “GDP”
- What effect do Business Cycles have on workers and businesses?
- How do inflation and the unemployment rate serve as indicators of the health of the economy?
- What makes the economy grow?
- What role do taxes play in the United States’ economic success?
- How big is the Federal budget and what do they spend it on?
- How do decisions about spending made by the U.S. government impact the health of the economy?
- How does trade affect the health of the U.S. economy and competition in international markets improve the quality of U.S. products?
***Includes a GOOGLE and Traditional version for your use!
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Contributor: Learning is a Passion