
Fraction Mandala Art | + options: Decimals and Percentages | Pie Chart Drawing

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  • Fraction Mandala Art | + options: Decimals and Percentages | Pie Chart Drawing
  • Fraction Mandala Art | + options: Decimals and Percentages | Pie Chart Drawing
  • Fraction Mandala Art | + options: Decimals and Percentages | Pie Chart Drawing
  • Fraction Mandala Art | + options: Decimals and Percentages | Pie Chart Drawing


Let your students express themselves using this hands-on Math & Art project during the exploration of fractions (additional options: decimals and percentages).

Your students will love this Fraction Math Challenge that will allow your students to creatively visualize fractions or, if you choose more difficult versions, decimals and percentages as well.

In addition, students will create a pie chart from the mandala they chose, so they will also practice drawing angles.


The challenge is: How many fractions can you fit? Choose as many fractions as possible from those listed next to the mandala, so that their sum is not greater than 1. You can use each fraction only once.

The project includes 15 different mandalas to choose from and 3 levels of difficulty.

There are 3 differentiated versions to choose from: fractions only, fractions and decimals, fractions, decimals, and percentages.

Version 1:

- adding fractions

- finding the fraction of a whole number (multiplication of a fraction by a whole number)

- creating a pie chart (drawing angles)

Version 2:

- adding fractions and decimals

- converting fractions to decimals

- finding the fraction of a whole number (multiplication of a fraction by a whole number)

- creating a pie chart (drawing angles)

Version 3:

- adding fractions and decimals

- converting fractions to decimals and percentages

- finding the percent of a number

- finding the fraction of a whole number (multiplication of a fraction by a whole number)

- creating a pie chart (drawing angles)

This resource includes:

- The editable PowerPoint™ version.

- The printable version in PDF.

Check out Inspire Math Matematyka for more resources.

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