
George Washington's Farewell Address Primary Source Analysis

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  • George Washington's Farewell Address Primary Source Analysis
  • George Washington's Farewell Address Primary Source Analysis


Students will read excerpts from President Washington's Farewell Address, define 8 words, answer 18 questions, and complete 3 creative tasks. This would be great for a sub and the answers are included where appropriate! 

 Sample questions include:
--How does Washington set the stage for his speech?
--Explain one of the first challenges Washington believes Americans will face, and why.
--Identify Americans’ responsibility in countering said challenge.|
--How does Washington remind Americans that unity should prevail over divisive factions?
--Where does Washington see the opportunity for internal factions to be the greatest? Give an example and explain why.
--Explain the warning Washington makes in the 7th paragraph.
--Where in the speech did Washington appear most relatable and most presidential, and why?

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