
Globalism Group Project for Inquiry and Research World History

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7 Group Projects for World History classes studying globalism. This is a great chance to ask students to research information from the web. I love giving my students a chance to lead the conversation, and this is a no prep assignment with seven excellent prompts for students to present.


  1. Make a pros and cons list about globalism - meaning many countries around the world being more connected than ever. 

  2. Can we ever get to a point of a global culture? Why or why not? Use 2 examples or reasons that are specific 

  3. How can Globalism be positive?

  4. How can Globalism be negative?

  5. Should indigienous cultures be forced to comply with international decisions?

  6. What damages can be done with foreign countries interfering in one another’s events?

  7. Is the world a better, or worse place, for bring more connected now compared to before world travel?

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