Percentages of Me | Percent of a Number | Converting Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
The Percentages of Me Math & Art Project. Introduce or review finding the percent of a number with this engaging activity!
You can choose 1 of 3 options: "Character Traits", "Food and Drink" or "My Day", or you use an empty template and set any rules you want.
Students must color the pixel figure according to their choices of percentages and character traits (or food & drink, or activities) that describe them, ensuring their percentages add up to 100%. They must convert each percentage to fraction and decimal and calculate how many squares they need to color in with the selected color to cover a certain percentage of the figure for each choice.
You can use the completed activities to make a mural, door decoration, or bulletin board display.
This resource includes:
- The editable digital version in Google Slides™.
- The editable PowerPoint™ version.
- The printable version in PDF with an example of a completed project.
Check out Inspire Math Matematyka for more resources.