Population Biology (Biology Ch 4 - Bundled Lesson)
Topics covered include:
- Principles of population growth
- Exponential growth
- Carrying capacity
- Reproduction/Life-History patterns
- Density and population growth
- Human population
- Growth rate
- Age structures
This product includes:
Fill in the Blank Notes
- I have created fill in the blank notes for the chapters of Biology that I teach. Students follow along with the Notes PowerPoint and write the correct word(s) in the provided blanks. File type: Word, PDF
- Digital version has provided text boxes for students to type in the missing words. Can be uploaded to your Google Classroom and shared with your students as a Google Slide file. File type: PowerPoint
Answers to Fill in the Blank Notes
- Copy of the notes with all of the missing words handwritten into the blanks on the student notes. File type: PDF
Notes PowerPoint
- Teacher presents this PowerPoint either in class or by sharing their screen for distance learning. Words that students need to write (or type) into their notes appear in red. Animated text boxes are utilized to release information at the teacher's pace. Pictures and images are included to help increase student understanding of the information. File type: PowerPoint
Notes Handout
- This file includes all of the slides included in the Notes PowerPoint. It has all the pictures and images, in full color. You could share it with students through Google Classroom. File type: PDF
Study Guide
- Check what students have learned from the chapter by having them complete the Study Guide. This can be used to help students prepare for a chapter test. File type: Word, PDF
- Digital Version of the Study Guide is in a format that you can upload to Google Classroom to have your students complete online. Students type in the correct answers in provided text boxes. File type: PowerPoint
Study Guide Answers
- Study Guide Answers: To correct the study guides individually, I have included the study guide with the answers handwritten in. File type: PDF
- Study Guide Answers PowerPoint: To go over the answer in class, I have created a PowerPoint that gives the correct answer to each question. File type: PowerPoint
Biology Test (student version)
- Printable test with multiple choice and true/false questions
- File type: PDF
Biology Test (teacher version)
- Printable test bank with the answers highlighted
- File type: PDF
Check out my storefront - Branka's Science PIGnic for additional topics in Anatomy, Biology, and Chemistry