
Prepositions and One Step Directions Receptive and Expressive Tasks

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  • Prepositions and One Step Directions Receptive and Expressive Tasks
  • Prepositions and One Step Directions Receptive and Expressive Tasks
  • Prepositions and One Step Directions Receptive and Expressive Tasks
  • Prepositions and One Step Directions Receptive and Expressive Tasks


- Great printed out, up on the Smartboard, or on a computer screen! Use one-on-one, in a small group, or with the entire class!
-6 picture cards with animals in (3) or on (3) pumpkins.
-6 question cards asking where the animals are.
-1 Page pacing strip “The (animal) is in/on the pumpkin.”
-3 sets of prepositions cards for Spider/Web, Bat/Moon, Monster/Bed.
-Each set includes :
-6 cards for prepositions on or in front, above, next to, under, behind, and without.
-6 “Find the” prompt cards.
-Page of 6 icons for each activity.
-Page of direction cards.
-Work with a field of 2 or more cards or the entire sheet and ask the student to find the described prepositional phrase. Ex. Find the bat under the moon.”
-Use the icons and ask the student to follow the directions. Ex. “Put the spider on the web.”
-Print two sheets and play Go Fish or Memory to work on using the phrases independently with or without the pacing page.
Check out Head in the Clouds for more resources!
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