Spanish This or That Game - Costa Rica Would You Rather? Slides, Gallery Walk
Explore Costa Rica in your Spanish Classroom with Costa Rica themed prompts in Spanish with this ¿Qué prefieres? / Este o Ese / This or That Spanish game. This Spanish Costa RicaWould you Rather game is perfect for Spanish 1 class and beyond!
Your students will be engaged with this fun Este o Ese game as they learn about Costa Rica in Spanish. These 20 prompts will engage students as warm-up activities, game days, a gallery walk, sub plans & more. This would you rather game is digital on Google Slides, includes a printable gallery walk with note catcher, & printable PDF worksheet version.
Here's what you get:
- 20 prompts in Este o Ese AND ¿qué prefieres? prompt form.
- 3 Template Slides that are editable ONLY in Canva
- Printable gallery walk version for a non-technology way to play
- Printable Worksheet version for Sub Plans or Independent Work
- Gallery Walk Note Catcher Sheets
- 100% editable content in Canva - you must have a Canva account to edit, all content is non-editable in Google Slides
Included Vocabulary Words:
Travel, Costa Rica, Vacation words
How to use in your classroom:
Your students will love when you use this activity as a class game day, a brain break activity, a gallery walk, warm ups, speaking prompts, & more.
Teachers like you said:
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ : "This was perfect - My students were very engaged and enjoyed themselves with this activity. It was fun to learn a little more about my students too."
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ : "My students loved this activity! It was a fun way to stay in the target language and keep my students engaged before breaks / the weekend!"
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ : "Students had so much fun with this activity... We did it in class so it allowed for movement and created some interesting and funny debates!"
This product contains a PDF download with a link to a Google Drive folder. You will need to make a copy of the files in the folder to access them and will need a Canva account to access templates or make edits.