
Super Bowl/Football Digital Multiplication Flashcards

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  • Super Bowl/Football Digital Multiplication Flashcards
  • Super Bowl/Football Digital Multiplication Flashcards
  • Super Bowl/Football Digital Multiplication Flashcards
  • Super Bowl/Football Digital Multiplication Flashcards


Football Version: A fun way to practice the multiplication facts in a digital format. This no-prep slide deck works best in "slideshow" mode. It includes all of the math facts from 2 to 12, with some 1's and 0's thrown in for good measure. Students practice in a game format, with each slide a multiple choice question. The deck is carefully linked so that an incorrect answer takes them back to try again. A correct answer moves them forward in the game. Enjoy!!

* Football Version - (Every version has cards in a different order.)

*Students can work independently to master their muliplication facts.

*Can be used in a computer station in classroom rotations.

*Students can work on it at home and challenge themselves to practice and finish the deck quicker each time.

Standard: CCSS.4.NBT.B.5

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 Terms of Use: By purchasing this product, you agree not to share, resell, copy, or alter this product in any way.

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