Do your students need more practice reviewing the concepts of magnetism? If so, this user-friendly review activity is for them. Students will find the correct home for 36 terms in this full-page fill-in-the-blank activity.
This lesson features three paragraphs, each with a respective word bank. This review activity covers the subtopics of magnetism, magnetic poles, magnetic fields, magnetic field lines, magnetic properties, subatomic particles, magnetic domain, ferromagnetic material, magnetism, demagnetize, and permanent magnet.
This PDF file will become editable upon conversion to Microsoft Word using Adobe Acrobat. It comes with a complete word bank with the answers in red font.
I appreciate your interest. This activity complements my other publications about magnetism. I have nearly 30 years of teaching experience and over 20 years of publishing experience. I am confident this lesson will serve you and your students well!