Students will learn about the people, events, achievements, trends, and more from the Renaissance with these resources including a PowerPoint and note guide, map, primary source and image analysis, true/false/fix, Printing Press mini lesson, trading card and cube project, one pager, editable test, and more!
The topics covered include but are not limited to the Medicis, Leonardo da Vinci, perspective, shading, Michelangelo, Donatello, sculpture, painting, the printing press, Machiavelli, Erasmus, utopia, humanism, vernacular, Raphael, van Eyck, Bruegel, Flanders, architecture, and more!
Teacher information, the answers, templates, and points distributions are included where appropriate. Most of these would work with a sub!
To recap, this includes:
--PowerPoint and note guide
--trading card and cube project
--one pager
--pamphlet activity
--primary source quote and image analysis
--interview review
--printing press mini lesson
--editable test
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