The Sit-In Protest, SNCC, & Early Civil Rights Movement | VIDEO & ACTIVITY
- Teacher Contributor:
- History for Humans
All these resources go with this History For Humans video on the SNCC & The Sit-Ins: The Civil Rights Movement.
Students learn the amazing story behind the Jackson, Mississippi Sit-in and photograph while also teaching how the whole Civil Rights Movement began and how SNCC formed as a means for the young and brave to create change!
Students watch the episode and fill out the interactive note sheet that could be completed digitally or with pen and paper. Then there is a quick 7 question google form quiz as a formative assessment. Lastly, it has an extension activity where students read SNCC's Founding Statement, answer critical thinking questions, and then design a new logo for SNCC based on their mission, beliefs, and goals. Fun, engaging, and fosters critical and historical thinking skills!
Want to cut out the lecture? Save time and stress? Check out my full year bundle of video-based curriculum!
Check out my store- History For Humans
Thanks for checking it out,
Dan ;)