The puzzles contain small words that, when put together, make a word or phrase.
For example, "These If Hill Wore" when pronounced quickly sounds like "The Civil War." The following people, phrases, and events from U.S. History come from the French and Indian War through the Constitution. (1754-1787)
There are 40 words and they are both challenging and fun for your students. I have used this in my "Emergency Folder" whenever I needed something for my students to work on quickly and didn't have much time to prepare, and I have also used it in my classroom as a fun little review whenever students are done with all of their work.
I give my students 1 point if they get the term write and then 2 points if they can write one sentence about why the person, event, or phrase is important. By doing these I am able to meet some objectives rather than it just being a busy work assignment.
It is something different and fun!