COMPLETELY Editable-can use literacy, math, science, social studies etc. vocab words. Seesaw link and google classroom link provided for exact example in the PPT.
In this file you will see 10 3rd grade math academic vocabulary words chosen for students to work on for the week.
The students will be looking up dictionary definitions of 10 targeted tier 2 and tier 3 academic vocabulary words a week.
Day 1: Look up the words in a child’s dictionary
Day 2: Write down the word, in a sentence and draw a picture/example of each word Day 3: Students create an at home concentration game to play
Day 4: Traschcan Basketball with word problems with vocabulary words
Day 5: Play Catch phrase with a friend or family member at home in person or via facetime
Checkout TeacherSorce for more!
1 Review
Love this resource! Given weekly schedule and how to teach each part. I also love that there are links to Seesaw or Google Classroom so this can be used if we have to do distance learning again. Fun vocabulary review!