World War I Depth of Knowledge Questions
- Contributor:
- Project Education
- Grade Level:
- 7-12
- Product Type:
- Questions, Assessment, DOK
- FIle Type:
- Doc, PDF
- Pages:
- 1
- Answer Key:
- N/A
This product includes 13 questions about World War I. The questions are divided by the Depth of Knowledge (DOK) chart. This product includes 4 DOK - 1 questions, 4 DOK - 2 questions, 2 DOK - 3 questions, and 1 DOK - 4 question.
These questions can be used with many learners in the classroom and present different levels of learning and knowledge of the subject matter.
This resource includes the questions in a chart. The questions can be assigned directly to students, used as entry/exit slips, posted for homework, or many other uses as determined by the classroom teacher.
This resource includes a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the product.
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