The Round Royal Kingdom Game
Students will have a great time trading game cards and scanning QR codes while solving word problems.
The Round Royal Kingdom game is an excellent game for your students to play after they finish their daily math work or for the entire class to play as a review game. QR codes are included on 48 task cards to add more excitement to the game.
*The Round Royal Game should be played as a team game before students play the game in small groups. Divide the class into teams of 4 players. It will probably take more than one class period to finish the game. However, your students will have so much fun they will beg you to play the game. A scorecard is included for students/teams to record results so they can resume play at another time.
Your students may play this game with or without using the QR codes. In case your students do not have access to an electronic device with a QR code reader, I have included an answer key/instruction sheet to play the game. To use the QR codes, you will need to download a QR code reader app to your students’ electronic devices. The device must also have a camera.
If you wish for your students not to play the game, they can solve the word problems on the task cards and check their answers using the QR codes or answer key. The students would ignore the instructions for the game.
Set 1 (24 task cards) skills include:
- Solve one-step and two-step word problems
- Fluently add and subtract within 100.
Set 2 (24 task cards) skills include:
- Solve one-step and two-step word problems
- Tell time and write time from an analog clock to the nearest five minutes, using am and pm.
- Tell time and write time using the words quarter to and quarter past.
- Count money amounts involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.
The game can be played with both sets of task cards but DO NOT mix the 2 sets of task cards. Students either play with the first set or the second set.
It will take more than one class period to finish the game. A scorecard is included for students to record results so they can resume play at another time. Before students play the game with a partner or small group, it’s best to demonstrate the game to the entire class. Divide the class into 2 teams or several teams to play against each other. Model how to set up the game, scan the QR codes, and explain the directions to the game. Play for several rounds or for an entire game.
Game summary:
- Players collect and trade cards throughout the game.
- The first player to become king or queen of The Round Royal Kingdom wins the game.
- Each player picks a task card and solves the word problem on their paper. Players scan the QR code (or check answer key) to check their answer and to see instructions for their turn.
- The instructions on the QR codes/instruction sheet will tell a player to: Pick staff member cards from the Kingdom or pick a wizard card from the Kingdom.
- There are good and bad wizard cards that will make players trade cards, take cards, etc.
- Staff member cards have point values of 1 point, 2 points, 3 points, 4 points, and 5 points.
- Staff member cards are traded for princes and princesses and then traded for a king or a queen.
Included in this product: All task cards and game materials come in color and black and white.
- 6 cards of each of the 6 Round Royal staff members
(Animal Trainer, Groundskeeper, Housekeeper, Kitchen Helpers, Party Planner, Security)
- 9 wizard cards (good and bad wizards)
- 1 prince and 1 princess card
- 1 king and 1 queen
- 24 task cards (set 1) containing the QR codes and 24 numbered task cards without the OR codes
- 24 task cards (set 2) containing the QR codes and 24 numbered task cards without the OR codes
- Answer key/instruction sheet
- Directions for small group and teams
- A detailed example of the game
- A short story about The Round Royal Kingdom to copy or to read to your students
Total cards needed for a group of 2 to 5 players:
- 53 trading cards (11 total pages) - cards are easy to cut out
- 24 task cards (6 pages) of either set 1 or set 2- cards are easy to cut out
Total cards needed for the entire class to play in teams:
- 53 trading cards (11 total pages)
- 24 task cards (6 pages) of either set 1 or set 2
TERMS OF USE: By purchasing this product, you have permission to copy for single classroom use only. You may copy this resource for your classroom and your students, but you MAY NOT copy and distribute it to others.
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