3 - Day Integer Activity - Card Matching, Teamwork Math - Accordion Math Art - Printable
Are you looking for some fun Integer Activities that can last 1-3 days? These are great for end of the year, end of a unit, or a great review before a test. Students will enjoy all three activities and be interested and highly engaged!
*Day one has 32 matching integer cards for a fun competition, or center activity. Just print on card stock and laminate for a game you can use year after year.
*Day two introduces Teamwork Math. Students work in teams and move around the room to solve integer problems. Students can be matched with students of different abilities by printing worksheets on different colored paper.
*Day Three has a fun art activity with accordion folded pieces reviewing the rules of integers in all four operations.
*All Printable
- CCSS.7.NS.A.1d
- CCSS.7.NS.A.2
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