8th Grade Antics
Poetry- Concrete Poem Assignment (Imagery)
$2.00Students will create a concrete poem on one of three given topics. The writing must focus on imagery and appeal to all 5 of the senses.$2.00 -
Poetry- I Carry Your Heart With Me Analysis
$1.20These are 5 questions you can use to analyze the poem "I Carry Your Heart With Me" by e. e. cummings. They focus on literary elements like stanza, rhyme, and tone. I usually use this as a quick...$1.20 -
A Separate Peace- Finny's Last Diary Entry
$1.50Write a diary entry from Finny's point of view (first person) right before he was killed. Tell what he's feeling about the things that are going on in his life (having to deal with his disability,...$1.50 -
Chains by Anderson Quiz
$3.50This quiz is on the first half of the novel Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson. It covers chapters 1-24. There are 15 multiple choice questions and two short response questions. The answer key is...$3.50 -
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus- Persuasive Writing Activity
$1.95I usually use this children's book as a read aloud at the beginning of my persuasive writing unit that I do with my middle schoolers. After reading the book to students, I let them choose one of...$1.95 -
Messenger by Lois Lowry Guided Reading Questions
$3.00Guided Reading questions for the novel Messenger by Lois Lowry (organized by chapter).Check out my free vocab word handouts in my store that go along with the guided reading questions.$3.00 -
Messenger by Lois Lowry Unit Test with Answer Key
$3.50Unit test that includes 15 vocabulary questions, 15 multiple choice questions, and 4 short response questions.$3.50 -
Poetry- Analyzing Poems for Literary Devices
$4.00This packet of poems asks students to identify different literary devices in each poem. For example, questions after reading include "What is the tone?" "Where do you see alliteration in the poem"...$4.00 -
Stand Tall by Joan Bauer- Character Chart
$1.50Stand Tall- characterization chart to describe and keep track of characters$1.50 -
Stand Tall by Joan Bauer- Guided Reading Questions
$5.00Stand Tall Guided Reading Questions for each chapter$5.00 -
Stand Tall by Joan Bauer- Unit Test
$3.00Stand Tall Unit Test that covers all chapters of the novel- 25 multiple choice questions and 1 short essay question. Answer key is included.$3.00