This product is modeled to teach:
8.5(D) use a trend line that approximates the linear relationship between bivariate sets of data to make predictions
8.5(C) contrast bivariate sets of data that suggest a linear relationship with bivariate sets of data that do not suggest a linear relationship from a graphical representation
8.11(A) construct a scatterplot and describe the observed data to address questions of association such as linear, nonlinear, and no association between bivariate data
8.11(B) determine the mean absolute deviation and use this quantity as a measure of the average distance data are from the mean using a data set of no more than 10 data points
It includes a Scope and Sequence
Day 1: Construct a scatterplot
Day 2: Determine the association of a scatterplot
Day 3: Determine if graphical representations are linear
Day 4: Use a trend line to predict
Day 5: Use a trend line to predict
Day 6: Use a trend line to predict Task Cards
Each Day Lesson Design(s): Lessons are designed for a 50 minute class period
Student Notes taking page
Link to Pear Deck activity that accompanies student note taking page
Teacher Key with talking points and teaching strategies
Student Practice Worksheet
Exit Ticket
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