
African Masks - CCOT + Unknown Attributions - AP Art History

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The History Llama
Grade Level:
Product Type:
Lecture, Lesson
File Type:
Google Drive, PDF
Answer Key:
  • African Masks - CCOT + Unknown Attributions - AP Art History
  • African Masks - CCOT + Unknown Attributions - AP Art History
  • African Masks - CCOT + Unknown Attributions - AP Art History
  • African Masks - CCOT + Unknown Attributions - AP Art History
  • African Masks - CCOT + Unknown Attributions - AP Art History


6.173 Female (Pwo) Mask - 6.175 Bundu Mask - 6.174 Portrait Mask (Mblo) - 6.178 Aka Elephant Mask - African Masks - Continuity and Change Over Time (CCOT) - Unknown Attributions - PowerPoint - Student Notes - Teacher Notes - AP Art History - APAH - Google Drive - Lesson Plan - Print & Digital

This lesson focuses on continuity and change over time (CCOT) and unknown attributions in African masks, engaging students in art historical thinking skills. In addition to learning about form, function, content, and context, students will be pushed to analyze art from the African tradition. This lesson is intended to be used in conjunction with my African Art Activity Book, so after finishing this lesson, students will complete an activity page in the book. Please note that you DO NOT need to purchase my activity book to complete this lesson.

This resource comes as a Google Drive resource. If you would like to print the resource material, you can do so. Simply go to "File," "Download," and "PDF" to save the resource as a PDF and print! A PDF has also been included for your convenience.

What's included in this resource? ⇣⇣⇣⇣⇣

  • 25-slide PowerPoint going over form, function, content, and context for the following artworks:
    1. 6.173 Female (Pwo) Mask
    2. 6.175 Bundu Mask
    3. 6.174 Portrait Mask (Mbol)
    4. 6.178 Aka Elephant Mask
  • Teacher lecture notes are presented as individual Word documents that tell you exactly what to say for each slide (all the research is done for you)
  • Student notes
  • Teacher lesson plan
  • RECOMMENDED: Slide 7 of my African Art Activity Book
    • Slides detailing the instructions for these pages are located within the Google Slides for this lesson. If you choose not to use my activity book, you can just delete these slides.

If you want a more in-depth look at this product, please check out the PreviewI have included pictures of most of the things you will get with this purchase. 

Best yet, all of these items are editable. You can change or adapt them to fit your curriculum or classroom needs! 

Happy teaching!

Questions? Comments? Typos? Email me at

I love seeing my resources being used in classrooms. If you post about it on social media, don't forget to tag me on Instagram @thehistoryllama.

Advanced Placement (AP) is a registered trademark of the College Board. They do not endorse this product.

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