
American Law: Intro to Law: UNIT OVERVIEW

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This is a unit overview and student worksheet for a semester-long Introduction to American Law class. This class is taught to students who have an interest in various facets of American Law, such as law enforcement and legal studies. McGraw Hill's Streetlaw: A Course in Practice Law (9th Edition) is the textbook that aligns with our course. Because I teach only a semester-long, as apposed to a year-long, course, I have chosen roughly half of the content within the book to cover. We cover 5 units, total, throughout this semester. At the beginning of each unit, I provide the relevant overview to each student in my class. The overview identifies learning targets as well as corresponding key vocabulary terms. Terms that have an * after them are not mentioned, specifically, in the textbook, but are still significant in regards to the intended learning target, in my opinion. At the beginning of each lesson, I project onto my overhead which learning target and which vocabulary terms students will learn about that day. By the conclusion of each lesson, then, students should have the vocabulary terms defined on this overview. I have my students turn in their completed overview at the conclusion of each unit. Look for my other 4 unit overviews, as well as their corresponding study guides and unit exams in my store: American History Fanatic

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