
ASL Literacy Bundle

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The Honeysuckle Vine
Grade Level:
Pre-k, K, 1st
Vocabulary, Special Education, American Sign Language
Product Type:
Activities, Posters, Printables, Worksheets
File Type:
Zip file
  • ASL Literacy Bundle
  • Preview of Bundle
  • Cover for ASL Days of the Week
  • ASL Days of the Week Preview


This ASL Literacy Bundle consists of 4 resources. ASL Color Activities, ASL Seasons of the Year Activity Set, ASL Days of the Week w/ Time Activity Set, and ASL Color Word Posters. A description of each resource is listed below.

ASL Color Activities offer opportunities for reading, signing, writing, cutting, and gluing. This ASL Color Activities Set provides opportunities for learning, reviewing, and practicing signing, reading, and writing color words. Activity pages included in this set give students the chance to color pictures, write the color words, sign color words, draw a picture, copy a sentence, cut out words and arrange them in the correct order, and sign a sentence using a color word.

ASL Color Activities includes 28 printable activity pages, 11 ASL Color Cards, Printing Instructions, a cover, and a table of contents.

Colors for color cards include black, blue, brown, green, gray, orange, pink, purple, red,

white, and yellow. Activity pages with sentences and signs include the same colors with silver and gold added.

The activity pages with color words and pictures to color have easy-to-trace letters when writing the color words.


ASL Seasons of the Year Activity Set is filled with signing, reading, and writing activities. The Seasons of the Year cards are colorful and attractive. These cards can be used for display or interactive activities. The Dry Erase Cards work perfectly for a workstation activity. These cards show the seasons in print and primary lines for writing practice.

These cards will need to be laminated for repeated use with dry-erase markers. My Seasons of the Year Book has one page for each season. Each page illustrates the season in ASL, print, and used in a sentence. Space is given to copy the sentence and jumble words to cut out, arrange in order, and glue to the activity page to form a sentence. One activity page provides practice for spelling by filling in the missing letters.

Another activity page shows the seasons of the year in ASL to match the correct

season of the year in print on the opposite side of the paper. The other activity page allows students to trace letters and write each season of the year.

This Seasons of the Year Activity Set includes:

4 ASL Seasons of the Year Cards, 4 ASL, words in print & seasonally dressed boy or girl, Seasons of the Year Activity Sheets, Cover page for Seasons of the Yearbook, pages for seasons of the yearbook, Dry Erase Cards with Word and Sign, Sign & Match Activity Sheets, Printing Instructions and the Read, Sign, and Write Season of the Year Activity Sheets which are the same as pages in My Seasons of the Yearbook.

Check out The Honeysuckle Vine for other resources.


ASL Days of the Week w/ Time Words Activity Set is filled with signing, reading, and writing activities. The Days of the Week cards are colorful and attractive. These cards can be used for display or interactive activities. The Dry Erase Cards work perfectly for a workstation activity. These cards show the day of the week in print and ASL for the student to practice writing the days of the week.

These cards will need to be laminated for repeated use with dry-erase markers. My Days of the Week Book has one page for each day of the week. Each page illustrates the day of the week in ASL, print, and used in a sentence. Space is given to copy the sentence and jumbled words to cut out, arrange in order, and glue to the activity page. One activity page provides practice for spelling by filling in the missing letters.

Another activity page shows the day of the week in ASL to match to the correct day of the week in print on the opposite side of the paper. The last activity page allows students to trace letters of the days of the week and write each day of the week.

This ASL Days of the Week Activity Set includes time words. The time words in this set are day, today, tomorrow, yesterday, week, weekend, month, and year.

This ASL Days of the Week Activity Set with Time Words includes: 7 ASL Days of the Week Cards, 8 ASL Time Words Cards, Days of the Week Activity Sheets, Time Words Activity Sheets, Cover page for Days of the Week book, pages for days of the week book, Dry Erase Cards with Word and Sign, Sign & Match Activity Sheets, Read, Sign, and Write Days of the Week Activity Sheets.


Have you been looking for useful attractive posters of ASL Color Words for display or instruction? Take a look at these ASL Color Word Posters with ASL, the word in print, the word in cursive, and a crayon of the color. The ASL Color Posters can be used for display and/or instruction. ASL Color Posters can be made into a book or used as activity mats for students to match or sort objects of color. By using the ASL Color Posters students learn skills such as differentiating colors, letter recognition, and sight words. This ASL Color Posters set includes 11 color posters, a cover page, printing instructions, and a table of contents.

The colors illustrated in this set are: blue, black, brown, gray, green, pink, purple, red, orange, white, and yellow.


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