Bible Study Guide BUNDLE: Movie & Discussion (The Chosen: Season 1 | Eps. 1-4)
- Teacher Contributors:
- Llamaritza's Teaching Adventures
**Check out Llamaritza's Teaching Adventures for more interactive resources for world languages and beyond!**
The Chosen TV series is a great show to spark interest in reading the Bible and ultimately forming a closer relationship with God! Start a watch party and see Jesus through the eyes of those who knew Him. Through this visual Bible study, you and your participants will get reacquainted with the human sides of the biblical figures you've known all your life and see the Gospels come to life in a fresh and fascinating way!
These activity guides were created to accompany The Chosen: Season 1 | Episodes 1-4. Created and directed by the humble and talented filmmaker, Dallas Jenkins, we see the lives of Jesus' disciples and loyal followers in a state of near-ruin. Enter Jesus, the Messiah whom the Hebrew people had been praying for for centuries. He does not come empty-handed, for He heals the sick, redeems the broken, and offers the gift of salvation to all who believe in Him. Come and see Jesus through the eyes of those who knew Him! **Internet access required.**
⭐ The Chosen: Season 1 | Episode 2 - Shabbat
⭐ The Chosen: Season 1 | Episode 3 - Jesus Loves the Little Children
- Google Slides presentations
- Bible references, presenter notes & video links
- Bible character summaries
- 12 discussion questions
- Reflection & faith challenge
- Kahoot quiz (10 questions)
- Worship song playlist
- Resource information & instructions (8 slides)
This resource was created in Google Slides. All files are completely editable and can be easily converted into other file formats (Word, PowerPoint, PDF, etc.). **Detailed instructions included.**
This activity can be used for any level Bible study group, but modification is recommended for different groups or levels. Make a MASTER COPY of any material you download or purchase, in case you would like to modify the files for different groups or levels. **These activities are interactive and can be broken up to complete during multiple Bible study sessions.**
Instructor will...
- assign the full chapter reading as a pre-reading task in preparation for the Bible study (OPTIONAL)
- play the lobby music on the first slide as participants get ready to join, whether virtually or in person
- begin with a prayer, said either by a leader or a willing participant
- continue with the Scripture reading and a brief discussion of the text
- briefly explain or summarize the message of the chapter (OPTIONAL)
- show the trailer to give participants a preview of the show
- briefly introduce the characters in the episode
- click the link to access the episode
- review and select the discussion questions ahead of time, begin the group discussion, and encourage participants to share their thoughts (**Depending on your Bible study time and level of interaction in your study group, you may not be able to cover all 12 discussion questions. If your group is doing a deep study and can dedicate sufficient time, you may cover all 12 questions. If not, 4-6 questions are recommended for regular Bible Study sessions.**)
- share the reflection and faith challenge
- complete the Kahoot quiz activity as a post-movie exercise to see how well they retained the content
- encourage participants to support The Chosen ministry in unique ways
- close with a prayer
- enjoy the worship song playlist
Thanks for stopping by! Please consider leaving a review to let me know how I'm doing. Email me HERE if you have any questions. I hope this BUNDLE OF JOY brings some deep reflection and FUN to your Bible study sessions! Enjoy!
~ Llamaritza ❤️
**Check out Llamaritza's Teaching Adventures for more interactive resources for world languages and beyond!**
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