Chat Stations: Gold-Salt Trade
- Contributor:
- Aaron Mathews
- Grade Level:
- 6-12
- Product Type:
- Stations
- File Type:
- ZIP with PPT and DOC
- Answer Key:
- Yes
This product is over the Gold-Salt Trade and done in the form of chat stations. Simply put the students will work through five stations learning about Gold-Salt Trade. Stations include primary source documents as well short description, secondary sources, maps and videos. Students have a sheet to record their chats with their group mates about each station. Then the teacher will lead a whole class discussion about what the class just learned and their is an Exit Ticket or Ticket out the Door question for the students to complete as well. This interactive lesson is a great way for students to remember this often times quickly and poorly taught influential aspect of World History.
This product was created focusing on the following Texas WH Standards:
WH.4C Readiness Standard
- Explain the political, economic, and social impact of Islam on Europe, Asia, and Africa
WH.4H Supporting Standard
- Explain the evolution and expansion of the slave trade.
WH.4I Readiness Standard
- Analyze how the Silk Road and the African gold-salt trade facilitated the spread of ideas and trade.
WH.15A Supporting Standard
- Locate places and regions of historical significance directly related to major eras and turning points in world history.
The product is a zip file that includes a Word Document and PPT. The Word Document has the teacher instructions, tips and tricks, stations, student document and answer key. The PPT is for the warm-up.
Thanks for looking!