Color thru Pharmacy Technician
Color thru Pharmacy Technician is a coloring resource useful in any Health Science classroom. These are used complementary with the Pharmacy Technician curriculum and covers 21 main topics about all things Pharmacy Technician. There is plenty of room to add more notes/doodles for review.
42 pages included
Color thru Pharmacy Technician: Scope of Practice, Abbreviations, Medication Storage, Recall, Pharmacy Law, Controlled Substances, DEA #s, Dosage Forms, Routes, Side Effects, Vaccines, DAW Codes, Rx Basics, Insurance, Medicare, Compounding, Errors, References, Med Classes, Common Rx Meds, Common OTC Meds
* Pharmacy Technician Coloring Pages
* 42 pages
*Scope of Practice * References
* Abbreviations * Errors
*Medication Storage * Med Classes
*Recall * Common Rx Meds
*Pharmacy Law * Common OTC Meds
*Controlled Substances * Rx Basics
*DEA #s * Insurance
*Dosage Forms * Medicare
*Routes *Compounding
*Side Effects
*DAW Codes