
Decimal Place Value | Rational Numbers to Decimal Conversions Rounding Decimals

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  • Decimal Place Value | Rational Numbers to Decimal Conversions Rounding Decimals
  • Decimal Place Value | Rational Numbers to Decimal Conversions Rounding Decimals
  • Decimal Place Value | Rational Numbers to Decimal Conversions Rounding Decimals
  • Decimal Place Value | Rational Numbers to Decimal Conversions Rounding Decimals


Break The Bank Challenge: Converting rational numbers to terminating and repeating decimals using long division and rounding multi-digit numbers and decimals to any place using place value.

In this Math Challenge, students will use long division to convert fractions into decimals (terminating and repeating decimals); practice rounding numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand, to the nearest whole number, tenth, and hundredth; train addition, multiplication, and division of positive numbers (fractions and decimals).

Students are given 12 numbers, they have to write them in the spaces of their choice, so as to get as many gold coins as possible. They have to convert each fraction into its decimal form (decimal expansion), round to the indicated place, write the indicated digit, and multiply or divide it by the “score value” of diamonds or gold coins.

The file is editable, so you can change the numbers to your own.

This resource includes:

- The digital version in Google Slides™.

- The editable PowerPoint™ version.

- The printable version in PDF + an example.

Check out Inspire Math Matematyka for more resources.

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