
Decodable CVC Readers

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Froggy About Teaching
Grade Level:
k, 1st grade
Product Type:
homework, parent-connection, printables
Product File:
  • Decodable CVC Readers
  • Decodable CVC Readers
  • Decodable CVC Readers
  • Decodable CVC Readers


I know you want your students working on their reading fluency at home. Here is a quick easy way to get your parent's support to help build their child's reading fluency. Send home these Take Home Decodable Readers that focus on short vowel/CVC word families. The parents will appreciate the parent letter that will guide them on how to help their child work on their reading fluency at home. The kids will work for the brag tags they get when they return their weekly homework form.


Teacher Page

Parent letter

Parent Signature form

Word List

Decodable Reader-Short a

Decodable Reader-Short e

Decodable Reader-Short i

Decodable Reader-Short o

Decodable Reader-Short u

Brag Tags

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