
Democrat Vice Presidents

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  • Democrat Vice Presidents
  • Democrat Vice Presidents
  • Democrat Vice Presidents
  • Democrat Vice Presidents


This is a great resource to help students learn about the Presidents of the United States elected as members of the Democratic Party.
Each page is complete with a photo of each president and detailed facts about each president.
Vice Presidents included:
(Bold - Also served as President)
Martin Van Buren
Richard M. Johnson
George M. Dallas
William R. King
John C. Breckinridge
Andrew Johnson
Thomas A. Hendricks
Adlai Stevenson I
Thomas R. Marshall
John Nance Garner
Henry A. Wallace
Harry S. Truman
Alben W. Barkley
Lyndon B. Johnson
Hubert Humphrey
Walter F. Mondale
Albert (Al) Gore
Joseph (Joe) R. Biden
Kamala D. Harris
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