Looking for a fun way to practice Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages during Easter? These 9 games and fun lessons with number chips will keep the students engaged and learning. All nine products are Easter-themed. Enjoy!
Individual Products:
Easter Dividing Decimals with Number Chips
Easter Fractions to Decimals with Number Chips
Easter Percentages - Convert from Fractions and Decimals with Number Chips
Easter Multiplying Decimals with Number Chips
Easter Fractions/Decimals/Percentages Conversion Slide Game
Easter Equivalent Fractions with Number Chips
Easter Adding and Subtracting Decimals with Number Chips
Easter Decimals Bingo
Easter Fractions Bingo
- CCSS.5.NBT.A.3
- CCSS.6.NS.B.3
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