Looking for a step-by-step activity for teaching long division with an Easter theme? Students will learn long division with this scaffolded lesson using Number Chips. They will learn the steps of long division one step at a time. Number Chips help reduce frustration for students who are struggling or learning long division for the first time. Because every number is available on every slide it allows students to use their reasoning skills to eliminate possible answers. Lots of Fun!
Product includes a printable worksheet to follow the digital lesson and a printable foldable for the interactive notebook.
Product Includes:
*Uses the acronym DMSB (Dad Mom Sister Brother) to help students remember the steps, Divide, Multiply, Subtract and then Bring Down.
*No Prep Digital Lesson (except for the printable foldable and worksheet)
*Introduces Vocabulary
*Begins with placing numbers in the correct place in their division problem.
*Starts with step one: Division
*Adds step two, Multiplication
*Then adds step three, Subtract
*And finally step four, bring down.
*Moves from simple division to more difficult problems.
*Teacher Key and Video Instructions included.
- CCSS.4.NBT.B.6
- CCSS.5.NBT.B.6
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