ELA CONTRACTIONS BUNDLE: 54 Posters, 54 Flashcards, Snap Game, I have...Who has?
- Contributor:
- INSPIReducation
- Grade Level:
- 3, 4, 5
- Product Type:
- Posters, Word Cards, Games
- File Type:
- Zip, PPT, PDF
- Pages:
- 100+
- Answer Key:
- Yes
This product brings together four of our popular products which support the teaching of contractions to students through four activities:
- 54 Contraction posters showing how the expanded form can be transformed to the contracted form
- 54 double-sided flashcards with expanded form on one side and contracted form on the other side
- 35 Paired Vocabulary Card Snap Game
- 34 Playing Cards Loop Game: "I have...Who has?"
Through these resources, your students will be able to learn and embed their knowledge of contracted forms through play, challenges, visual reminders and working individually, in pairs and teams.
54 Posters:
This product has been developed to use in the classroom to support developing the student knowledge of contractions across a variety of words families. The product includes 54 posters, each poster contains one word in three forms:
- Expanded form
- Visual model of how to transform (contract) the word
- Contracted form
The posters can be displayed in the classroom, can be turned into a book for student revision, can be used as flash cards for both contracted form and expanded form as well as use within literacy centers and home learning.
This product has also been designed to create 3D triangular prisms for each word. Full instructions are provided within the product which demonstrates how each poster can be cut, folded and secured to create a three-sided prism which can be turned by the teacher and the student to assess their knowledge of how words can be contracted and expanded.
54 Flashcards
This product has been developed to use in the classroom to support developing the student knowledge of contractions across a variety of words families. The product includes 54 double-sided flashcards, each card contains one word in two formats:
- One side of the card includes the expanded form of the words being used
- Second side of the card shows the contracted form of the word being used
The flashcards are easy to produce:
- Print the document
- Cut the cards and fold each one along the dotted line so that the cards become double sided
- Laminate the cards and cut with a small 3mm edge to ensure the cards last for many years to come
The product can be used in a variety of ways in your classroom:
- Flashcards going from expanded to contracted form
- Flashcards going from contracted form to expanded form
- Speed reads
- Speed spell
- Speed turn over - lay the cards out and then read, turn over and read again
- Paired challenge
- many more which you and your students will be able to come up with
Words included for both expanded form and their contracted form include:
I am
She is
He is
They are
We are
You are
I will
He will
She will
They will
We will
You will
I have
She has
He has
We have
They have
You have
I had
He had
She had
They had
You had
I would
He would
She would
We would
They would
You would
Can not
Will not
Shall not
Should not
Could not
Would not
Must not
Are not
Did not
Do not
Does not
Had not
Have not
Here is
Is not
Was not
It is
It has
It will
That is
There is
Were not
What is
Who is
Who will
I have... who has? Loop Game
This loop game was devised by us to support our children develop a greater knowledge of contractions used in everyday language - as well as preparing them for assessments in language and developing their grasp of vocabulary.
This loop game contains 34 game cards.
Playing is easy. Print the words for the game and cut the cards into the 34 playing cards (there are also two spare cards to use for additional words). Each child receives at least one card - ensuring that all the cards are handed out. Select a child to read the "expanded form" on their card. The children then look at their cards to see if they have the contraction to the expanded word read. If it is, they read the word out, then read the next word on their card to continue the game.
The game continues until all of the cards have been used. For teachers, school staff or as a home based activity, there is also an answer sheet which links all words together - of course, another challenge could be for the children to find as many other contractions as they can to add to the game.
As the children play this game, they will be learning 34 pairs of contractions and their expanded forms! Once the children have played it a few times and understood the rules, swap the cards around the children. Play again.
You will find that children will start learning and reciting the words when children reveal what is on their cards. In UK schools, this game is great for preparation of SPAG!
To further develop the game, why not:
- Ask the children to find other contractions to add to the game
- Start with the contractions first and children have to identify the expanded form
- Use the cards as dominoes for a learning centre.
- Time the children with a stopwatch - what is the fastest time the children can complete the loop game in?
Contraction Snap!
We developed this game of Snap! for our students to play against one another using 35 different contraction and extended form words. We found that whilst our students could often name the words and their shortened form, they did not recognise the spelling and did not apply the spellings accurately in their writing.
This game encourages just that. By playing the game, the students are continuously looking at the words, and looking at them critically in order to recognise a match and call snap.
The game is simple. Purchase, download, print, laminate and cut up the 70 word cards and sort into the two coloured piles. One pile is made up of extended words (yellow), the second pile is made up of contracted form cards (green).
As the students lay down their cards one at a time, one after each other, they must watch to see if the yellow word card matches the contracted form on the green classification card. The first person to spot the match shouts "Snap!" and wins the cards. The winning player is the first person to win all of the cards.
Our students love these resources and games, and they have enabled them to embed the knowledge of contracted forms, and their spellings into their writing.
We hope that you enjoy these resources and they provide a valuable addition to your teaching resources.
Best wishes