Evaluate Algebraic Expressions Digital Self-Checking Math Activity:
Are you looking for something different than problems from a textbook, workbook, or worksheet? Here's an engaging way to incorporate student practice evaluating algebraic expressions! Math is fun again with this evaluate algebraic expressions self-checking Zoom Out activity for Google Sheets! This digital self-checking math activity is perfect for engaging your students in their learning and practicing of the pre-algebra skill of evaluating algebraic expressions.
In the self-checking activity, Zoom Out, students answer questions in order to reveal a hidden image. As students answer questions, the image zooms out further which each correct answer. After correctly answering questions, students are able to guess the image. Once guessed correctly, students are moved onto the second of three images. The students continue to answer questions and guess the image until no questions remain. Can the students guess the image before it’s too late? The students answer the questions in any order they prefer. After solving the question on a whiteboard, scratch paper, or the provided workspace, students type their final answer into the
appropriate cell. If correct, the students receive immediate feedback with the image zooming out and the appearance of a camera emoji next to their answer.
In contrast, when students answer incorrectly, their answer turns red to let them know they should go back and revise their answer or seek help from their instructor.
➡️ Here's what’s included:
- 10 evaluate algebraic expressions questions in a Google Sheet
- Student Recording Sheet
- Teacher Answer Key
- Teacher & Student Instructions
➡️ Ways to Use this Paperless Resource:
- Morning Work
- Homework
- Distance Learning
- Bell Ringer
- Exit Ticket
- Lesson Check for Understanding
- Math Warm-Up
➡️This is a no-prep resource! Once added to your Google Drive, you can immediately assign to students using Google Classroom or other Learning Management System!
➡️Who should purchase this resource?
- Teachers looking for resources that can be used in the classroom and for distance learning
- Teachers looking for resources that review BOTH procedural and conceptual understanding of math content
- Teachers looking for digital activities for math review, math test prep, or math practice.
- Teachers looking for READY TO GO math activities.
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