
Fraction Fans Fraction of the Day

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Whimsical Teacher Tube Teacher Store
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  • Fraction Fans Fraction of the Day
  • Fraction Fans Fraction of the Day
  • Fraction Fans Fraction of the Day
  • Fraction Fans Fraction of the Day
  • Fraction Fans Fraction of the Day
  • Fraction Fans Fraction of the Day


This fraction of the day set is great for teaching 2nd, 3rd, or, 4th grade about unit fractions and building non-unit fractions. Use it for math centers, small group instruction, or to start off your fraction lesson when doing whole group instruction. I chose to make this for my 3rd grade classroom, because I wanted a fun math resource that would help my students develop an understanding of fractions as numbers as we studied the 3rd grade Eureka/ Engage New York Module 5 lessons. I knew I could do this in an engaging, and easy to understand way. Use this handy resource with my YouTube videos 

Unit Fractions: Understanding HalvesUnit Fractions: Understanding FourthsUnit Fractions: Understanding ThirdsUnit Fractions: Understanding Sixths, and Unit Fractions: Understanding Eighths.  They're great for introducing each matching fraction of the day. This will make great practice for your kids to use for understanding fractions, and applying their knowledge in several different ways with several different unit fractions. In addition there are 3 different options for you to have kids work with no-unit fractions of your choice based on the fractions you might be working on in class or needing more practice on. I recommend downloading all of this, and then uploading the student pages to your favorite digital platform. Then you can save paper, and embed the YouTube links right there in the assignment. These can also be printed. This activity includes:

-5 Fraction Fans: One each for 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, and 1/8 with answer keys included

Each of these has practice:

*seeing how many parts there are in the whole

*writing the fraction

*writing all fractions with that denominator between 0 and 1 on the number line

*Using the number line to identify fractions equivalent to 1/2 (when applicable)

*filling in fractions of a whole number

*creating a whole out of fraction parts with a number bond (ex. 1/3 and 2/3=1)

-3 fill in your own fraction sheets with 6, 8, and 10 as the fill in number.

These each have:

*sectioning the parts and filling in how many parts there are in the whole with reminders of numerator and denominator vocabulary

*writing the fraction

*writing all fractions with that denominator between 0 and 1 on the number line

*Using the number line to identify fractions equivalent to 1

*filling in fractions of a whole number

*creating a whole out of fraction parts with a number bond (ex. 1/3 and 2/3=1)

This is an entertaining, ready to go, NON-WORKSHEET resource.

This product supports Common Core Standards (CCSS):

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All rights are reserved by, me, Kim Grove, the author.

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