This is a google slides presentation that uses pear deck to make it more interactive. You must have a free pear deck account to use the interactive features in this presentation.
One month of reading comprehension that includes: story elements(problem, solution, setting, characters), predicting, critical thinking, inferences, and main idea. A total of 20 lessons are included...
Improve reading comprehension skills of cause and effect and context clues using Boom Cards or task cards and PDF puzzle activity. This Valentine's Day activity helps improve reading comprehension...
Reading comprehension passages that include inferences, sequencing, main idea, story elements, and predicting. There is no prep and includes twenty days, or one month, of reading passages that help...
Reading comprehension passages that include inferences, sequencing, main idea, story elements, and predicting. Perfect to transition from summer to back to school. There is no prep and includes...
This product includes 12 sets of comprehension sheets for students to complete based on the Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl.
Poems focused upon include:
Red Riding Hood
Three Little Pigs
Lectura fácil de comprensión lectora es una serie de cuentos cortos que le permite al estudiante estar en contacto directo con la lectura básica del idioma español.Cada cuento viene acompañado de una...
Lectura fácil de comprensión lectora es una serie de cuentos cortos que le permite al estudiante estar en contacto directo con la lectura básica del idioma español.
Cada cuento viene acompañado de...