Oh no! An oxygen and carbon dioxide molecule are both lost. They need your students’ help for directions to their destinations from their respective starting points. I assign this cardiovascular system pathway mapping activity set to my anatomy and physiology students.
Two full-page directions quest lessons
An introductory page with a directions quest the instructor can use for modeling and demonstrating with the class' help on the Smartboard
Five pages of answer keys with the cardiovascular pathways accented in bold blue or red font
This resource complements the following resources about the cardiovascular system in my store.
The Great Vein Drain Worksheet
Major Artery Location and Function Summary Table
Major Vein Location and Function Summary Table
Systemic Blood Vessel Orientation Activity
Major Artery Mapping Activity
Heart Physiology, Morphology, and Condition Crossword Puzzle Bundle
Heart Blood Flow and Conduction Sequencing Card Sort Activity Set
I appreciate your interest. I have taught high school life science for over 25 years, and I have published science kits, games, labs, and books through several international supply corporations dating back to 2002. I am confident this activity will serve you and your students well.