
Industrial and Societal Changes Vocabulary Quiz

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Project Education
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Assessment, Quiz
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Doc, PDF
Answer Key:
  • Industrial and Societal Changes Vocabulary Quiz
  • Industrial and Societal Changes Vocabulary Quiz
  • Industrial and Societal Changes Vocabulary Quiz


This product is intended to accompany a unit/chapter on the Industrial Revolution and Mass Production. The terms in the vocabulary quiz are all from a similar unit of study. The terms vary from industrial terms such as assembly line to Marxist philosophy terms such as proletariat.

The quiz is set up as a one page matching quiz with answer key included. The quiz includes 16 items and accompanying word bank. The terms are listed below:

  1. Bourgeoisie
  2. Assembly Line
  3. Mass Production
  4. Transition 
  5. Proletariat
  6. Revisionists
  7. Advocate
  8. Feminism
  9. Zionism
  10. Pogroms
  11. Intensity
  12. Modernism
  13. Psychoanalysis
  14. Social Darwinism
  15. Abstract
  16. Suffrage

This is a Microsoft Word and PDF version of this resource.

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