Jeopardy Template is completely editable. It is divided into three rounds – Jeopardy, Double Jeopardy, and Final Jeopardy. Each round is a separate PowerPoint file. For the first two rounds, the main customizable Jeopardy board is on slide 2. This contains categories for questions and the dollar value for each question. By clicking on any square on the board, you will automatically be redirected to the corresponding question. From there, you will be directed to the answer slide and then back to the main Jeopardy board. The Final Jeopardy round is played similar to the TV version of the game.
This will bring learning, disguised as fun, to your classroom. Use it to review for quizzes or tests of anything you teach. Students also love it for class parties.
This product includes:
1. Jeopardy PowerPoint
2. Double Jeopardy PowerPoint
3. Final Jeopardy PowerPoint
4. Teacher Implementation Notes
5. Jeopardy Template Editing Instructions
6. Jeopardy Scoresheet
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