Join or Die Albany Plan of Union Notes Political Cartoons are No Joke SOAPSTone
- Teacher Contributor:
- Make History Fun
- Grade Level:
- 5-12
- Resource Type:
- Zip with google links
- Pages:
- 60
- Answer Key:
- Yes
This lesson is jam packed with information and is full of rich images that will keep your students engaged as they learn about the Albany Plan of Union and the first attempt to unite the colonies.
It is a great introduction into the French and Indian War and helps set the stage for the American Revolution that will come in the short future. Using fill in the blank notes allows your students to follow along easily. The words and phrases they need to write down are already underlined on their notes and in the corresponding Google Slides or PowerPoint Presentation. The images and GIFs that are on each slide will keep your students engaged in the lesson.
They will walk away from this lesson with a wealth of knowledge about the Albany Plan of Union!
On Day 2 of this lesson we focus on Political Cartoons. Through this lesson you will also teach your students an easy way to analyze primary and secondary sources using the acronym SOAPSTone. Your students will quickly grasp the concept and learn to find the meaning behind documents. Since this lesson focuses on the Albany Plan of Union and America's 1st Political Cartoon "Join, or Die" we examine political cartoons. Your students will be guided through the steps on how to analyze the cartoons and be able to collaborate with each other about the meanings of several different cartoons. There are also a couple additional homework options you can give your students.
I always enjoy teaching this lesson, and I think it is important for students to learn how to look at political cartoons and understand that "Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words."
This is part of the Causes of the American Revolution Bundle, check it out and SAVE