Celebrate Women's History Month and International Women's Day with this engaging package about Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai. This inspiring activist from Pakistan has overcome many challenges in her work to support women's rights and girls' education.
This package includes...
One Sketch Notes Sheet- Students research, doodle, and describe the events of Malala's life, her challenges, her accomplishments, her character traits, an important life lesson, and find a quote by this amazing woman.
Two Reflection Journals- Students respond to critical thinking questions after learning about her life.
Writing Prompt 1: Why is it important that all children have access to a quality education, regardless of their gender?
Writing Prompt 2: How is Malala a positive role model for youth today? Use specific details from her life to support your ideas.
One Zentangle Colouring Page- Featuring a motivating quote and a Zentangle mandala. Perfect for mindfulness and relaxation!
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