This bundle has 25+ resources for a unit on Manifest Destiny, Westward Expansion, the Mexican-American War, and the Compromise of 1850. It includes a power point, task cards, reference sheets with activities, a collage project, a RAFTT writing assignment, a primary source analysis, two Westward Expansion review activities, a Spot Resolution and request for war speech analysis, a one pager, a text and image analysis for the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and Texas Annexation, a Mexican-American War pamphlet review activity, and interview activities for Presidents Polk and Taylor. All appropriate answer keys, points distributions, and/or rubrics are included. Most of these activities would be great for a sub!
To recap, you get:
--PowerPoint and note guide
--one pager
--2 reference sheet and reviews
--timelines stations
--task cards
--10 primary source resources (some with image analysis, others with extension tasks)
--writing assignment
--presidential "interviews"
--collage and pamphlet activities
--map activity
--trading card and cube project
--editable test
--and MORE!!!
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