
Map Major League Baseball Teams & State Capitals

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Homeschool Holiday
Grade Level:
3-8, homeschool
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  • Map Major League Baseball Teams & State Capitals
  • Map Major League Baseball Teams & State Capitals
  • Map Major League Baseball Teams & State Capitals
  • Map Major League Baseball Teams & State Capitals


State Identification and Baseball - rolled into FUN!

Thank you for your interest in Map the Majors from

Happy Hive Homeschooling / Homeschool

In many ways this is the product that started it all! Back as a very young teacher... before the internet was a thing... I was writing my own curriculum and rotating 4th graders through "centers".

It was spring, and Baseball season had just started so I designed 5 different Baseball themed activities. My students used the classroom set of encyclopedias to look up the cities and "Map the Majors". Their absolute excitement was addicting and every year I wrote more and more of my own lessons...leaving the expensive "research based" Teacher's manuals on the shelf.

I hope your students enjoy the experience now, with the help of modern technology as much as mine did in the age of encyclopedias!

Since my curriculum is designed to coordinate with fun holidays throughout the year, feel free to use this to celebrate the accomplishments of Home Run Heroes: Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron and the current Career Home Run Record holder, Barry Bonds who became the leader on August 7, 2007.

You can also use it at the start of the season, or as an engaging way to learn the States in the United States.

I have provided an introduction to baseball video to get the lesson started. It is designed to help those who may not be as familiar with the sport excited about the project, and those already familiar will enjoy the refresher!

Be sure to check out the Major League Baseball BINGO freebie and our other Baseball themed products!

May your Educational Journey Be Blessed!

Play Ball!!!

- Mrs. Crabtree

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